Reading Time

Orange and Grey love reading all types of books – fantasy, nonfiction, even math textbooks. They tend to read at a very steady pace.

One day, Grey picked up a copy of the brand new Star Cats book, Star Cats: A New Catnip. Not only was this the start of a new series, it was a double edition, with twice as much content. Of course, Orange wanted to read it as well, and after an hour of impatient waiting, he asked how much longer it would take her to finish it.

“I don’t know, there’s a total of 125 pages in this book.” Grey responded, irritated Orange would interrupt her reading time. “I’m only on page 30 so far.”

“Well that wasn’t very helpful was it,” Orange thought to himself. “But wait! Maybe I can use proportions to calculate her reading time.”

“If Grey reads 30 pages in 60 minutes, that means she spent an average of 60/30, or 2 minutes reading every page. If we follow this logic,” Orange reasoned, “Grey must spend 125 x 2, or 250 minutes to finish the entire book!”

Orange didn’t quite have the patience for sitting around and waiting 3 more hours, so he decided to do some math while he waited.

Today we learned how to use proportions to predict the future! Just kidding, just some clever math. To get more practice, check out Reading Race.