Cat Nap

One night, Orange was feeling tired. So tired, in fact, he skipped his late night snack (2 CatSnax) and headed straight to bed at 10:00 PM. And he slept. He slept and slept and slept until 12:00 PM the next morning.

“Orange!” gasped Grey, when she finally spotted him. “You’ve been asleep for 14 hours now.”

“What…been sleep?” sighed Orange. He was still very sleepy and could barely string his words together.

“I SAID, you’ve been asleep for 14 hours now sleepyhead,” Grey slowly repeated. Orange nodded his head slowly as his eyelids began drooping again.

“Okay… asleep… now,” Orange whispered. Grey could see that if she didn’t act fast, Orange would quickly be back on his way to snoozetown. Suddenly, she had an idea.

“Did you know you’ve been sleeping for 840 minutes now?” she asked. Orange’s eyes slowly began opening again as he heard the call of math. “That’s right, you’ve been sleeping for 50,400 seconds!”

Orange’s eyes snapped open (though his brain was still very much thinking about his pillow). “There’s no way I’ve been asleep for 50,400 seconds,” he muttered. “How did you get that number?”

Grey chuckled. “Well, let’s start with the number of hours you’ve been asleep, which is 14. First, I found the number of minutes in 14 hours.”

“That seems pretty straightforward,” Orange mumbled, his foggy brain slowly unfogging. “I know there’s 60 minutes in an hour. If we multiply everything by 14, we’ll get, hmmm, let’s see… 840!”

We can convert hours into minutes. The hours in the numerator and denominator cancel out, leaving us only with minutes.

“Exactly,” Grey replied. “So you see, you’ve been asleep for 840 minutes. Now, onto the second part.”

“Right… we need to convert the minutes into seconds now. And there’s 60 seconds in one minute,” Orange said, his mind almost fully awake now. “If we want to find the number of seconds in 840 minutes, we simply need to multiply 60 by 840.”

“That’s right,” Grey responded. “We multiply 60 by 840 to get 50, 400 seconds.”

Using the same process as before, we can convert minutes into seconds.

“Wow… I’ve really been asleep for a long time,” Orange marveled. “And plus, thanks to these conversions, I’m finally awake!”

Today, Orange and Grey reviewed how to convert between hours, minutes, and seconds. For more practice, check out Catnap Conversions!